(479) 935-3227
101 Grant Place Suite A Lowell, AR 72745
Brachioplasty Surgery in NW Arkansas

Everything You Need To Know About Brachioplasty?

Brachioplasty Surgery in Springdale

What is a brachioplasty?

A Brachioplasty, commonly called an arm lift, is a surgical procedure to improve the appearance of the upper arm (elbow to under arm). It involves tightening of saggy skin and supportive tissue, as well as removal of fat. It gives arms a contour that can’t be achieved by diet and exercise.

Who would benefit from this procedure?

You may benefit from an arm lift if your upper arms are drooping or sagging. This area may take on a batwing-like appearance with a flap of skin that hangs down when you raise your arms.

This may occur due to:

  • Changes in skin elasticity that occur with age.
  • Losing a lot of weight with or without weight loss surgery and maintaining a healthy lifestyle.
  • Having certain genetic factors that cause your skin to sag.

Is exercise a possible substitute for brachioplasty surgery?

Exercise, especially resistance training, like lifting weights, improves upper arm muscle tone. However, exercise can’t tighten loose skin. After an arm lift, these healthy habits help maintain good results for as long as possible.

Am I a good candidate for an arm lift?

You may benefit from Brachioplasty if you:

  • Have loose skin in your upper arms.
  • Can accept the appearance of an arm lift scar, which typically runs the length of your upper arm and can be unsightly.
  • Are of a stable weight, meaning you’re not likely to gain or lose significant weight in the long term.
  • Don’t have medical conditions, such as anemia, that raise your risk of surgical complications.
  • Don’t smoke.

What happens during an arm lift?

Here’s what to expect during an arm lift:

  1. You will be put to sleep with general anesthesia.
  2. Your surgeon will make an incision on the inside of your arm. The size of the incision depends on how extensive the procedure is.
  3. Your surgeon removes excess skin by cutting it away and, sometimes, excess fat by using liposuction.
  4. They use stitches (sutures) to tighten supportive tissue.
  5. The surgeon closes the incision with sutures before completing the procedure. They also bandage your arm.


Risks / Benefits

What are the benefits of brachioplasty?

You can expect a trimmer appearance in your upper arm. Most people have increased confidence and will feel more comfortable in sleeveless shirts, form-fitting tops and swimsuits.

What are the risks of brachioplasty surgery?

Arm lift risks include:

  • Abnormal or excessive scarring.
  • Excessive bleeding.
  • Fluid accumulation (seroma).
  • Nerve, blood vessel or muscle damage.
  • Numbness.
  • Surgical site infection.
  • Wound separation (dehiscence).

Recovery and Outlook

What is brachioplasty recovery like?

After your procedure, bandages protect the incision while it heals. You wear a snug-fitting sleeve (compression garment) to minimize swelling.

Arm lift recovery also includes:

  • Changing bandages and elevation on pillows as necessary.
  • Getting plenty of rest and eating a healthy diet, which promotes healing.
  • Avoid strenuous exercise and heavy lifting for a period of recovery.
  • Wearing a compression garment for several weeks.

How soon will I notice results?

You’ll notice changes in the shape and tone of your upper arms immediately after surgery. Longer-term changes include:

  • Swelling and bruising, which may subside in a few weeks.
  • Scars may fade somewhat but never fully disappear.
  • Some recurrent looseness.
  • Sagging can occur naturally with further aging.

When to Call the Doctor

Call your surgeon if you experience signs of brachioplasty complications, such as:

  • Blood clot symptoms, such as abnormal swelling in your arm.
  • Blood-soaked dressings or excessive bleeding.
  • Dehydration risks, which include not being able to keep fluids down and vomiting.
  • Fever or discharge from the incision, which could be a sign of infection.
  • Pain that’s not responding to medications.
  • Shortness of breath or chest pain.
  • Sensation or movement changes in your arms or hands.

Call to schedule a consultation

If you are ready to discuss how you can benefit from an arm lift, call to schedule a consultation with Dr. Kelamis at 479-935-3227!