36 Year-Old Patient
36 year old male treated for “retrogenia”. Retrogenia is when the mandible forms correctly, but a person simply has a smaller chin. Micrognathia is when the
mandible does not form fully, causing teeth to not align correctly as well as a small chin. Retrogenia can be treated with simple chin implant. While micrognathia can also be treated with an implant, sometimes these patients also need surgery to lengthen the jaw.
We used a silicone implant and a 1 cm long incision centered just behind his chin. His postoperative photo (right) is 4 months after surgery.
27-Year Old Patient
This is a 27-year-old male who desired a more masculine chin. He had classic retrogenia (normal mandibledevelopment). We used a silicone implant and a 1 cm incision centered just behind the crease of his chin. The goal is to align, on side profile, the upper and lower lips with the chin. In other words, you should be able to draw a straight line from the upper center lip, to the lower center lip, and to the center of the chin, on side profile
The left photo is preoperative. The right photo is 3-1/2 months postoperative. The appearance of swelling resolves around 2 months, although you can feel some swelling (as firm areas) for 4-6 months. That swelling always resolves.
30-Year Old Patient
This is a 30-year-old male with micrognathia who desired a more masculine chin appearance. He had concerns about the fullness of his neck. I recommended he not have liposuction on the neck because once the chin implant is placed, this often resolves any fullness because it pulls the soft tissues forward, stretching them out.
We used a silicone implant and a 1 cm incision centered just behind his chin crease.
The left photo is preoperative.
The right photo is three months postoperative. Note, with micrognathia, the bone is under-developed. Frequently, you cannot achieve the fullness one may desire without performing bilateral sagittal split osteotomies (jaw lengthening surgery). However, the improvement of appearance with an implant (a 30-45 minute procedure) is excellent.
24-Year Old Patient
This is a 24-year old female-to-male transgender patient with retrognathia who desired a more masculine appearance of his chin. He had previously undergone augmentation to his neck to create the appearance of an “Adam’s Apple” using cartilage grafting. We used a silicone implant and a 1 cm incision centered just behind the chin crease.
The left photo is preoperative. The right photo is 3 months postoperative. You can still see some subtle swelling along the bottom of the chin. This
resolved at 4 months.
40-Year Old Patient
This is a 40-year-old male with retrognathia who desired a more masculine appearance to his chin. We used a silicone implant and a 1 cm incision centered behind the chin crease.
The left photo is preoperative. The right photo is 4 months postoperative. Note how is upper lip does not protrude as far as the lower lip. He has
mid-face hypoplasia, causing his upper lip not to be as prominent.